May 03, 2007

update on the play

Just a quick post to say the s h i t is hitting the proverbial fan in the play I am currently acting in. We open next Monday - our preview is on Sunday. It is a very difficult piece. Extremely challenging. Panic is in the air. The smell of FEAR hovers over the backstage areas in clouds of gloomy stench... technical troubles abound... it ain't pretty.

BUT... all is not lost! My lifeline to LA comes via my trusty little iBook... and bar that pesky 9 hour time difference, help is at hand! LA is crawling with very dedicated craftspeople, who really know their acting stuff. I am lucky enough to know one such gem and she is coaching me, via my Plantronics headset, to prepare me for this mother of a play. It is an emotional rollercoaster ride and she is strapping me in and sending me off ... via iChat. We spent 1.5 hours dissecting the first 3 pages of my first scene. Line by line, beat by beat, moment by moment. When I need her to see a pice of equipment I use in the play, we google it and she has a photo of it right there. We are doing the most invaluable work here - working on the emotions and movements and events of a physical play and we are continents apart!

HOW BRILLIANT IS APPLE???? HOW MUCH DO I LOVE THE INTERNET???? Now, if Steve Jobs could just fix the time-difference, I'd have his children.


Maryam in Marrakesh said...

Wow, that is absolutely amazing that you can do this that way!

Can't wait to hear how opening night goes!

Unknown said...
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