September 06, 2007

oh, the joys of a successful career! I met with those people today and.... I shall be presenting the pilot episode of this mobile phone TV-thingy with a South American co-presenter. It appears I might be pretty enough for a postage stamp-sized screen and maybe one day, when I'm big, I can get my chance on the silver screen. But you gotta start little, right?

PS It's a hip-hop/R'nB music and celebrity gossip show!!!!! My friends will never believe this. Pwaaaaahhh.


Anonymous said...

Congrats! You have to send me some pics of you, so I can recognise you whenever you appear publicly!

Hollywoodgal said...

Ha, smooth move...nice try. If you send a sae to my fanclub, they'll post you a pic. ;-)
Thanks for the congratulations, though.

Anonymous said...

SAE? What on earth. You know, in my profession, some of my co workers have this habit of speaking in acronyms. It drives me mad. I am not american, I didnt study your damn GAAP, please speak to me in words. I understand the concepts, but lets keep it international? Dont mean you, thats what i think when I am confronted with American accountants. Sorry.

So send me a pic.

Hollywoodgal said...

Sending you a pic would defeat the whole purpose of being an anonymous blogger, nê? And I was kidding about having a fan club....

SAE = self-addressed envelope or stamped, addressed envelope

Anonymous said...

Congrats Hollywoodgal. Remember the iphone screen is quite a big screen!

Hollywoodgal said...

Thanks, Mark! It's like I said in another post, isn't it? Full circle... from the smallest possible phone, back to bricks and big this case I guess it works in my favour. :-)