October 10, 2007

What's the date??

Isn't it Halloween at the end of this month?
So who needs Barbie Princesses so urgently?
My hit counter shows me that 36% of my traffic at the moment is linked to people searching for 'Barbie Princess for a day' and landing on this post. Why?? Do you want Barbie to entertain your kids for Halloween? Are more kids in Cali born in October and is there a flurry of frantic princess-party-planning going on? Do you want ME to be your princess again? (Seriously, people, think carefully about that one.)

Usually, my top google search words are "dog massage therapist" (and I thought this was such a joke, but alas I could be a RICH doggie masseur by now!), but Barbie is breaking all records here. Odd how cosmic consciousness works and everyone has the same idea at the same time, huh? Or am I really just pushing this too far now...

Sorry to disappoint all you hard-working party planners. I'm just sitting here blackening my teeth for Halloween, so don't count on me...he, he, he...


Anonymous said...

You're telling me you're not Barbie? Damn, I have been wasting all this time writing to my fantasie girl, and now i get this bad news. All I need to is for the Springboks to lose sunday and the jump from this 27th floor cubicle might be my way out. And how fitting, my last view will be of the building Enron was in previously. The epitomy of my profession.

Anonymous said...

That was terrible spelling. Must be the effects of the bottle wine last night. My apologies.

Hollywoodgal said...

Noooooo, noooo, noooooo - for the purposes of your internet blog perusal pleasure, I am all the Barbie you could possibly hope for! So, please, don't jump out of your attractive cubicle, okay? And waddaya mean, "if the Bokke lose on Sunday" - HOW is that going to happen?? I am currently in Paris, remember? That's lucky for them, no?
*smiles blondly and waves a manicured hand in the general direction of Stade de France*

Anonymous said...

Good, then I will reconsider my jump, and swop it for a beer to the victory of the boks on Sunday. And if we win the world cup, I'll make it a bottle of champagne (if that British pub here in Texas even stocks it)and a round of "springbokkies", and toast the Barbie of my online adventures.

So how long are you in France for and when do you start your hip hop music presentation career?

Hollywoodgal said...

Uhhh, speaking of hip-hop... well, that ended badly before it even started. I had considered a long, ranting post about ugly, fat, dandruff-infested men making sexist demands, but then decided that wouldn't help me get over it. They delayed the pilot shoot for a week and then 2 days before the rescheduled date I got a call from the very embarrassed director telling me the producers wanted someone younger. A tweeny in other words, which I am not.
So, hip-hop is not for me after all... but on a happier note, LA beckons in January! ROCK ON!