Pfffffffff - some people's children.
This young urban professional with black curly hair couldn't have brought a book on the train with her, could she now? Oh no. To unwind on her way home this yuppie eats have-a-break-have-a-KitKat. But with a difference. She eats it sideways and halfways!
1) the KitKat gets turned on its side
2) it gets rammed in the mouth, off to the right, where the right canine leads the other back teeth in splitting the raised triangular chocolate bit off the flat base wafer.
3) soggy, sideways chocolate-less KitKat wafer comes BACK OUT THE MOUTH - eeeeewwwwww.
And so it goes for 4 whole wafer fingers. I was appalled. I don't believe she had any idea how close she came to a good klap*.
* slap, Afrikaans-style
he ha ha hi... geeez ! Thanks for sharing I like your style!
Oh, hey! A reader!!! *waves excitedly*
Thanks for stopping by....
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